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BMHS English: Washio English I - Holocaust/Night Research Guide

BMHS English Information for students.

Mrs. Schmuhl's Holocaust Introduction

The Holocaust (from the Greek holokauton, "burnt offering" or "sacrifice") is the term now most commonly used to describe the attempted Nazi genocide of European Jews. Between 1939 and 1945 mass shootings, gassings in specially constructed extermination camps, murderous labor, and other means resulted in the deaths of between 5.1 and 6.2 million Jews. The Nazis themselves referred to the extermination program as the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question." ("Holocaust." Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, edited by John Merriman and Jay Winter, vol. 3, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006, pp. 1335-1348. World History in Context, Accessed 12 Dec. 2018.)

More information and resources available from Gale World History.

Assignment : Research A Holocaust/Night Topic

Using a database is an important skill for student researchers.  Databases will provide sources that are:

CREDIBLE -- Information is repeated in other sources

ACCURATE -- Information is timely and current

RELEVANT -- Information supports the research topic and/or thesis statement

Databases are  searchable storage box of quality information. It can include materials like videos, magazine and newspaper articles, speeches website links and images which are curated by professionals.

Explore these two different databases that will help you research a Night/Holocaust topic of your choice. 

Gale World History in Context

ABC CLIO Modern Genocide

Also, learn more about the differences between using Google for research vs. the database.

Night Holocaust Research Projects Topics

Life in concentrations camps - camp names/locations, conditions, health, disease, work, torture. Creation and history of Israel
 Resistance in Nazi Germany - cover key figures and events World War II - Important Leaders
World War II - Important Events  Pearl Harbor
Holocaust War Criminals -- se also Nazi War Criminals

Anne Frank

Nuremberg Trials - see also Nazi War Criminals Final Solution - See Also Holocaust Final Solution
Nazi Beliefs - see also Mein Kamp; Hitler beliefs Krisallnacht - Night of Broken Glass
Adolf Hitler Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Olympics 1936 - see also Jesse Owens Star of David - see also Magen David
Joseph Mengele - see also Nazi Medical Experimentation Raoul Wallenberg
Jewish Religion - See also Judaism Music, Art, Poetry & Literature of Holocaust 
Holocaust Museums & Memorials Swastika - history and use during Holocaust
Gestapo & SS - role in Holocaust Nazi Propaganda 
Sir Nicholas George Winton - See also British Schindler Oskar & Emilie Schindler
Irena Sendler Claus Von Staffenberg
Nazi treatment of minorities other than Jews Stolen Artwork - see also Monument Men

ABC CLIO Modern Genocide

Modern Genocide: Understanding Causes and Consequences covers 10 modern genocides in depth, providing definitive expertise on this delicate topic that may be used as a springboard for discussion of human and civil rights.

Mrs. Schmuhl Selected - Holocaust Primary Resources

Gale World History in Context

Gale In Context: World History is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History. 

BMHS Library Holocaust Resources

Video - Path to Nazi Genocide