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BMHS Library Citation Guide: Citing Sources Using a Citation Manager

Online citation managers are an easy way to cite properly and track of all of your sources when do research. Students can use many different online citation tools: EasyBib, Bibme, Citation Machine, Endnote, Zotero and Noodletools.  Students can import citations directly from databases that can automatically integrated into your research paper and works cited page (bibliography).  If using the Gale databases such as Gale Global Issues, just click on CITATION TOOLS on the right side of the page.  Choose the formation for your citation (MLA 8, APA, Chicago).  Select EXPORT to Google Drive, Noodletools etc.  Then your citation will be exported to one of these other tools.   This same process works with the INFOHIO EBSCO databases too. 

Resources from BMHS Library

Where can I locate online citation generators?

You can also directly access one of these citation generators using a recommended one below.

NoodleTools (free account for BMHS students -- follow directions to create your own account)



Citation Machine


How do I import a citation from Gale into Noodletools?